Common errors and solutions:

1. Photoelectric error

A. When the status bar displays “Photoelectric error!” Accompanied by alarm sound“Di…di…” , please adjust the sensitivity of the photoelectric eye. If the sensitivity of the photoelectric eye is adjusted too high or too low, it will cause the above failure.

b. If the set value of the package length does not match the actual package length, it will also cause the above failure, but this system is designed with an “automatic length measurement function”. When the cursor is printed on the packaging bag you use, it is recommended to change the main menu System Set “Automatic Measurement” under Settings to “Automatic” to avoid wrong setting of package length.

2. Wrong stroke mistake

When the status bar displays “Stroke error!” And accompanied by the alarm sound of “Di…Di…”, please check the stroke switch.

3. The solenoid motor does not rotate

有些 Because some models do not use a solenoid motor, a solenoid motor is provided with a switch, please check if the “solenoid motor switch” is turned on

4. Failure phenomenon: The stepping motor rotates slowly all the time.

the reasons:

A. Check if the 6 wires of the stepping motor are dropped off.

B. Is the “Exit” key on the inspection panel pressed?

5. Failure phenomenon: the length cannot be measured automatically.

Remedy: Please press the enter key to enter the main menu and set the length measurement to “Auto”.