Proper packaging equipment selection is the key to ensuring high product quality. How to choose high-quality, high-capacity and versatile flexible packaging equipment has always been one of the focuses of the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Many manufacturers find that in the actual production after adopting vertical packaging equipment with a small footprint and low cost due to site and equipment purchase budgets, most of the two requirements of the effect of packaging powder materials and the compatibility of material varieties,none of these devices are satisfactory. However, manufacturers using horizontal automatic packaging equipment can avoid this situation.

The reason:

First of all, powder-type products are very small in size, and it is easy to produce powder “coming back” in the packaging process. The “coming back” phenomenon will cause the packaging to be tightly sealed and will pollute the working environment to a certain extent. Because the vertical packaging equipment is vertical feeding, the distance between the feeding opening and the bottom of the packaging bag is large, and the bag is made at the same time as the packaging. During the feeding process, the material is slid into the bag using the packaging material as a “slide”. Lifting the powder will contaminate the seal, making it impossible to seal it. As a result, product quality is often affected. The horizontal automatic packaging equipment adopts the filling method of bag-making and material-feeding, and the material-feeding opening can be directly put into the bottom of the packaging bag for discharging, so as to avoid dust from rising. If the powder particles are extremely fine and easy to lift, a suction device can be installed at the upper seal to suck out a little powder adsorbed at the mouth of the bag. In addition, the horizontal automatic granule packaging machine uses five horizontal seals to reinforce the seal. This design can completely solve the phenomenon of “coming back”, to ensure the tightness of the seal to a certain extent, thereby effectively extending the shelf life of the product.

Secondly, when producing mixed materials (such as instant soup), manufacturers often encounter the following problems: Generally speaking, each brand of soup has its own unique formula, and the proportion of the formula is correct. No determines the taste is as pure as one. Because vertical packaging equipment cannot add stations on the equipment, the materials must be mixed in advance to fill the material during filling. However, in actual production, often because of the premixing of materials or unevenness in the transport process, the actual product mixing ratio and The formula ratio does not match. And horizontal packaging equipment, because of its characteristics of horizontal bagging, can meet the requirements of manufacturers to increase workstations. And in theory, horizontal packaging equipment can increase the number of stations indefinitely. In the process of bag transmitting, different materials can be loaded into each bag one by one through different feeding devices, ensuring the accuracy of the formula. For example, a pack of instant soup stock contains both powdered materials (such as: salt, chicken essence) and granular materials (such as: dehydrated vegetables, dehydrated beef, etc.). The horizontal packaging equipment uses a feeding material during the bagging. The device feeds powdery materials. After the bag is horizontally fed once, the second feeding device feeds granular materials, and so on.