The packaging weight range of granule packaging machines is generally between 20 grams and 2 kilograms. It is used to pack various granular materials. The machine has high working efficiency and requires low energy consumption. More than 300 watts can be put into work and production normally, but the precision of the machine is very high, the space occupied is generally 4,000 millimeters by 1,000 millimeters.

The rolling property of the particles is large. Pay attention to the stability of the particles and the transmission loss when the belt is conveyed. The space occupied by the belt conveyor is also very small. It is only 3,000 mm long and the space is only 400 mm, which greatly increases. Because of the flexibility of the belt, the transmission efficiency can be better guaranteed. At the same time, due to its relatively low weight, it requires less energy consumption. Low energy consumption and high efficiency are the biggest characteristics of pellet packaging machines. The accuracy of the granular packaging machine is 0.2, and the pressure is generally at the atmospheric pressure of 0.4 to 0.6.

This is the basic situation of the granular packaging machine, we can use it to do a lot of practical work. Reduce the cost of a lot of work, polypropylene and polyethylene are the best packaging materials.