1. Automatic packaging machinery is widely used in the market: food, chemical, pharmaceutical, light industry, these industries are used (the machinery industry is relatively small).

2.Easy to use and complete multiple processes at one time: pulling bags, making bags, filling, coding, counting, measuring, sealing, sending out products, can be automated, no one is operated after setting.

3. High efficiency: The output of fully automatic packaging machines in the Chinese market can approach 120-240 pack minutes, replacing the handmade products of the 1980s, and the output is much more than that at that time.

4. Clean and hygienic section, can use automatic packaging machine, no longer need manual operation. May use, clean, hygienic, save materials, save bags, save money, environmental protection features.

Automatic packaging machine
Packaging machine classification

There are three types of automatic packaging machines in the domestic market: bag-making, bag-feeding and can-feeding. In addition, there are sealing and shrinking equipment, filling and capping machines, pill counting machines, labeling machines and special enveloping equipment such as: mask packaging machines, eye mask packaging machines are all in the category of packaging machines.

Sealing machine: There are mainly automatic straight-forward collection packaging machines

The status of automatic packaging machines in the production industry is very important because China’s population base is relatively large, and of course there is a relatively large demand for packaging. So whether automatic packaging machines can make product packaging more creative and beautiful, it is necessary to upgrade the technology and Compared with the international level, we still have a long way to go.