Tianjin fully automatic packaging machine is a relatively popular machine now, because its own advantages have been well known and recognized by the public, so many people buy automatic packaging machines now, but many friends do not know how to buy high-quality packaging Machine, now we will tell you in the following, let’s take a look together:

First: Single-chamber vacuum packaging machine or double-chamber vacuum packaging machine?

Single-chamber vacuum packaging machine: economical, cost-effective

Double-chamber vacuum packaging machine: high working efficiency, saving manpower, one person does two people’s work; On the surface, the double-chamber vacuum packaging machine is a bit expensive, but the output is large, and it is more economical to calculate the account.

Second: Vacuum method: internal or external?

External vacuum packaging machine: There is no vacuum chamber, and the vacuum nozzle is inserted into the vacuum packaging bag to complete the vacuum and sealing. The characteristics of this machine are not limited by the space of the vacuum chamber, especially when the product is relatively large. The internal pumping vacuum packaging machine: there is a vacuum chamber, the product bag is smaller than the vacuum chamber; the working method is to put the packaging bag inside the vacuum chamber and close the vacuum The chamber is completed with vacuum and sealing; the machine is characterized by high efficiency and thorough sealing, which can be completed in a short time, and the quality is good.

The external pumping vacuum packaging machine is generally aimed at relatively large objects, and the internal pumping type is relatively expensive.

You can choose the Tianjin automatic packaging machine that suits you according to your needs. The vacuum packaging machine produced by Tianjin Zhicheng Huixin Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. is of good quality and good price. You are welcome to contact us for consultation.