There are various types of packaging machines. The main idea is to pack the product. The rolling packaging machine is to roll forward the packaging under the drive of the transmission system. The pressure sealing and packaging machine mainly uses a pressure hammer to squeeze the product. The main function of a rolling packaging machine is to evacuate. Vacuum should be understood as a space with thin gas. In a given space, the state of a gas below one atmospheric pressure is collectively called a vacuum. The degree of thinness of the gas under vacuum is called the degree of vacuum, which is usually expressed by the pressure value. Therefore, rolling packaging is also called decompression packaging or exhaust packaging, and rolling packaging machines are also called rolling vacuum packaging machines. Compression packaging can be understood as extrusion packaging.

Plastic packaging, such as a rectangular plastic box for tofu, is used for pressure-sealing packaging. Sealing and packaging machinery often uses flat pressure-sealing or pinch-sealing. This makes the structure of this type of sealing and packaging machinery complicated and expensive, and maintenance is difficult. In addition, they also produce large vibrations, which can cause the contents contained in the plastic box to spill out, making them insufficient in quantity; if the sealed packaged materials, such as tofu, require further processing, quality will also appear problems such as generating a lot of bubbles. In addition, since the above-mentioned pressure-sealing methods are all surface contact, the quality of the pressure-sealing is also not satisfactory.

The rolling machine can be packed in plastic boxes, of course, it needs to be packed in outer bags, or it can be directly packed in bags. Its working mode is to first turn on the power, adjust the heat-sealing temperature and time, and evacuate time. Put the packaging bag in the vacuum chamber, and the mouth of the bag should be flat on the heating plate, and press it with a bead. The vacuum chamber cover automatically drops, the limit switch is closed, and the vacuum pump starts to work. The small air chamber solenoid valve moves the valve core, seals the passage to the outside, and connects the small air chamber and the vacuum pump. The vacuum chamber starts to evacuate, and the packaging bag is inflated at the same time. The pointer of the vacuum gauge rises. When the set inflation value and the rated vacuum are reached (different products need to adjust different vacuum times), the power of the vacuum pump is cut off. Stop working, the check valve on the pump is closed to maintain the vacuum of the system.

Compared to pressure-sealing packaging machines, which are mostly used to package products in plastic boxes, there are more items packed by rolling machines. It can be used for meat, aquatic food, agricultural products, pickles, fast food, prepared food, powder, spices, electronics Products, hardware parts, pharmaceuticals and other solid, powder, semi-fluid, etc. are vacuum packed.

The main parts of the rolling machine are made of stainless steel, which is hygienic and clean, and has strong corrosion resistance. The machine is equipped with an internal cleaning device for the conveyor belt to keep the interior of the conveyor belt clean. At the same time, the control unit of the machine has a variety of production task storage, which solves the problem. The contradiction between weightlessness and high vacuum maintained during product packaging guarantees high quality sealing. It consists of transmission system, vacuum system, heat sealing system, control system and water cooling system. The vacuum pump is installed outside the machine, and the transmission system and electrical system are in the boxes on both sides of the body case.

Therefore, in general, there are relatively many people using rolling packaging machines in the selection between rolling packaging machines and pressure-sealing packaging machines. However, at present, the inflation function of our domestic rolling packaging machine is not very perfect, and it is not recommended to use a rolling packaging machine for the functions that require nitrogen filling.