Food packaging machine working principle

Food vacuum cooler is a key equipment for keeping food fresh and safe. Compared with general cooling methods (natural cooling, blast cooling, cold room cooling), it can not only achieve aseptic cooling, but also faster cooling speed (only 5-15 minutes, the general cooling method requires at least several hours to tens of hours), It can also achieve uniform cooling of the food center and surface at the same time, thereby avoiding the breeding temperature zone of bacteria between 55 ° C and 30 ° C, ensuring the hygienic quality of food cooling, and a key technology for ensuring the safety of packaged food and preventing food poisoning. equipment.

With the improvement of automation, the operation, maintenance and daily maintenance of the packaging machine are more convenient and simple, which greatly reduces the professional skills requirements of the operators. The quality of product packaging is directly related to the temperature system, the speed accuracy of the host, and the stability of the tracking system.

The tracking system is the control core of the packaging machine. It adopts forward and reverse bidirectional tracking to further improve the tracking accuracy. After the machine is running, the film mark sensor continuously detects the film mark (color mark), and the tracking micro switch of the mechanical part detects the position of the machine. The above two signals are sent to the PLC. After the program calculation, the output Y6 of the PLC ( Forward tracking), Y12 (backward tracking) control forward and backward tracking of the motor, timely detection of errors in the production process of packaging materials and accurate compensation and correction, avoiding waste of packaging materials. If the detection fails to meet the technical requirements after tracking a predetermined number of times, it can be automatically shut down for inspection to avoid the generation of waste products;

Due to the use of variable frequency speed regulation, the chain transmission is greatly reduced, the stability and reliability of the machine is improved, and the noise of the machine is reduced. This ensures the packaging machine is highly efficient, low loss, automatic detection and other multifunctional, fully automatic high-tech level. It has both a beautiful and stylish appearance and a healthy alert mind.